sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

Why burn?

Since time inmemorial men have been burning whatever they could find to warm up, cook, communicate, and or destroy one another. In modern times wood, coal, oil, and gas have been the originators of energy for men's insatiable need to push ahead.
But the only common denominator in all these millenia has been jburning.

Now the "Drill, Baby, Drill" crowd continues to push to obtain more of the stuff they want to burn. Why? Once they burn it it's gone. Gone forever. And they will need to find more.

Why? New technology now exists to use solar, wind, water, and ocean energy. And, it is renewable. No need to waste anything. No need to burn wood, coal, oil, and gas and pollute the atmosphere to boot.

Vested interests in the mining, coal, oil, and gas interests, have successfully retarded the inevitable. It is time we fight for progress.

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